Map o'r safle
- Ymgynghoriadau
- Mewngofnodi
- Cofrestru
- Hygyrchedd
- Preifatrwydd
- Cwcis
- Cyfarwyddiadau
- Dogfennau
- Historic documents
- Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance
- Representation search for Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance
- Candidate Site Submission Form - Second Call for Sites
- Representation search for Candidate Site Submission Form - Second Call for Sites
- Stage 2 Candidate Site Register
- Representation search for Stage 2 Candidate Site Register
- Dogfennau Ategol
- Representation search for Supporting Documents
- Previously Consulted Documents
- Consultation Documents
- Candidate Sites
- Background Papers
- Representations made against BP5 Settlements Appraisal Review
- Representations made against BP10 Local Housing Market Assessment 2021
- Representations made against BP14 Strategic Transport Assessment Stage 1
- Representations made against BP15 Renewable Energy Assessment
- Representations made against BP21 Strategic Flood Consequences Assessment (Stage 1)
- Representations made against BP23 Best and Most Versatile Agricultural Land
- Consultation information
- Vale of Glamorgan Replacement Local Development Plan 2021-2036 Preferred Strategy
- Representation search for Vale of Glamorgan Replacement Local Development Plan 2021-2036 Preferred Strategy
- Representations made against What is the LDP Preferred Strategy?
- Representations made against Integrated Sustainability Appraisal of the Preferred Strategy
- Representations made against Other Supporting Documents
- Representations made against Have Your Say on the Preferred Strategy
- Representations made against How to Comment on the Draft Preferred Strategy
- Representations made against What Will Happen After the Consultation?
- Representations made against Settlement Pattern
- Representations made against Population and Demography
- Representations made against Housing Market and Housing Need
- Representations made against Health and Well-being
- Representations made against Education
- Representations made against Connectivity
- Representations made against Economy & Employment
- Representations made against Tourism
- Representations made against Retail
- Representations made against Natural Environment
- Representations made against Language, Culture, Heritage, and Diversity
- Representations made against Climate Change and Flood Risk
- Representations made against QUESTION 1: KEY CHARACTERISTICS
- Representations made against Strategic Growth Area
- Representations made against QUESTION 7: PREFERRED STRATEGY
- Representations made against QUESTION 8: KEY SITES
- Representations made against INFRASTRUCTURE
- Representations made against QUESTION 9: STRATEGIC POLICIES
- Representations made against QUESTION 10: FURTHER COMMENTS
- Representations made against Question 11
- Draft Economic Development, Employment Land and Premises SPG
- Representation search for Draft Economic Development, Employment Land and Premises SPG
- Vale of Glamorgan Adopted Local Development Plan 2011-2026
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Scope and Purpose of the Guidance
- 3. Status of the Guidance
- 4. Legislative and Planning Policy Context
- 5. Proposals for New Employment Development – Key Considerations
- 6. Proposals for Non-Employment Uses on Existing and Allocated Employment Sites and Premises
- 7. Working from Home
- 8. Further information and Advice
- 9. Appendices
- Consultation Questions
- Draft Retail and Town Centre Development SPG
- Representation search for Draft Retail and Town Centre Development SPG
- Vale of Glamorgan Adopted Local Development Plan 2011-2026
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Purpose of the Supplementary Planning Guidance
- 3. Status of the Guidance
- 4. Legislative and Policy Context
- 5. Retail Development Outside Retail Centres
- 6. Development within Retail Centres
- 7. Shopfront Design Guidance
- 8 Further information and Advice
- Consultation Questions
- Representations made against 1. The draft SPG is clear and easy to understand
- Representations made against 2. The draft SPG adds helpful information about the application of the relevant LDP policies
- Representations made against 3. I object to the policy / guidance set out in the draft SPG
- Representations made against 4. The draft SPG needs to be amended
- Integrated Sustainability Appraisal (ISA) Scoping Report
- Representation search for Integrated Sustainability Appraisal (ISA) Scoping Report
- Integrated Sustainability Appraisal (ISA) for the Replacement Local Development Plan
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Economy and employment
- 3. Population and communities
- 4. Health and wellbeing
- 5. Equality, diversity and inclusion
- 6. Climate change (mitigation and adaptation)
- 7. Transportation
- 8. Natural resources (air, land, minerals and waste)
- 9. Biodiversity and geodiversity
- 10. Historic environment
- 11. Landscape
- 12. Next steps
- Representations made against Question One: Do you agree that the policy context is relevant, appropriate and up-to-date? If no, please explain how it should be changed.
- Representations made against Question Two: Do you have any comments on the baseline information presented, or any additional information/ data you think would add value or is missing?
- Representations made against Question Three: Do you agree with the key issues that have been identified based on the policy context and baseline information? If no, please explain how they could be amended or what is missing.
- Appendix A ISA Framework
- Candidate Site Submission
- Representation search for Candidate Site Submission