Stage 1 Candidate Site Register


In accordance with the Council's approved Delivery Agreement (April 2022), landowners, developers, and other interested parties were invited to nominate 'Candidate Sites' for potential inclusion within the emerging Vale of Glamorgan Replacement Local Development Plan (RLDP), as a part of the pre-deposit stage of preparation. The call for Candidate Sites was held between 20th June 2022 and 13th September 2022. The purpose of the Candidate Site stage is to ensure that, if land is allocated for development in the RLDP, sites are realistic and deliverable within the Plan period, up to 2036.

It is important to note that at this stage, the inclusion of a site in the Candidate Site Register does not infer that a site will be allocated within the emerging RLDP, nor does it imply any preference of the Local Planning Authority regarding its merits. This register is not a public consultation document; merely a statement of fact of all the candidate sites which have been submitted at this stage in the RLDP process.

If the Council's Preferred Strategy indicates that further land is required for development, the information provided on the Candidate Site submission form (which has been verified by Council Officers) will be used to assess sites for their potential inclusion within the pre-deposit proposals and / or deposit LDP. This assessment will also include a Sustainability Appraisal of those sites.

An index of the Candidate Sites follows this foreword. Sites are categorised as passing or failing the Stage 1 Assessment (initial site filter), as defined by the Candidate Site Assessment Methodology. Sites are then listed alphabetically by Settlement. The Register itself provides a location map of the site, together with limited information including; it's reason for passing/failing the Stage 1 Assessment, the existing and proposed use(s)of the site, the size of the site and its unique site ID number.

At this stage, Council Officers will not discuss the merits or otherwise of individual sites as this would be premature. Details of the full assessment process which will be used to consider Candidate Site submissions is available to view on the Council's website:

Any planning applications submitted on Candidate Sites will continue to be assessed in the usual way under the relevant policies of the adopted Vale of Glamorgan Local Development Plan (LDP), until such a time as they are superseded by the RLDP.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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