Integrated Sustainability Appraisal (ISA) Scoping Report

Ended on the 29 September 2022

Appendix A ISA Framework

This appendix presents the sustainability topics, objectives and assessment questions that form the ISA framework.

The ISA framework draws together the ISA objectives identified under each theme through scoping, with the aims of addressing the key issues identified for each theme. Taken together the ISA objectives form a methodological framework guiding the subsequent assessment.


Question Four: Do you have any comments on the ISA objectives and assessment questions that have been established to address the key issues (see Table A.1 below)?

Table A.1: ISA objectives for the RLDP

ISA Objective
Assessment questions – will the plan/ policy help to:
Relevant wellbeing goals

Economy and employment

Support a sustainable, diverse, and resilient economy, with innovative responses to changing conditions and support for a strong future workforce.

  • Provide sufficient land for businesses to grow and ensure alignment with housing/infrastructure?
  • Support the creation of accessible new jobs and facilitate home and distance working?
  • Support the Cardiff Airport and Bro Tathan Enterprise Zone, reflecting its regional importance in terms of attracting inward investment?
  • Ensure that town centres are considered first for new commercial, retail, education, health, leisure and public service facilities?
  • Ensure the capacity of educational facilities keep pace with population growth?
  • Enhance the vitality and resilience of town centre and retail centres, supporting diversification in line with changing needs?
  • Safeguard existing employment areas?
  • Create an attractive tourism destination?
  • Encourage sustainable development and quality facilities to enrich the experience for visitors and residents?
  • Promote a green economy and decarbonisation?
  • Ensure the economy grows in a sustainable manner?
  • Promote a prosperous Wales?
  • A Prosperous Wales
  • A Resilient Wales
  • A More Equal Wales
  • A Wales of Cohesive Communities
  • A Globally Responsible Wales

Population and communities

To provide enough good quality market and affordable homes, and community infrastructure, in sustainable locations to meet identified needs.

  • Meet the identified housing needs, including affordable, older person housing and accommodation needs of gypsy traveller community?
  • Ensure an appropriate mix of dwelling sizes, types, and tenures to meet the needs of all sectors of the community, particularly the rapidly growing older population?
  • Provide housing in sustainable locations that allow easy access to a range of local services and facilities?
  • Promote transit orientated development such as the 20-minute neighbourhood?
  • Promote the development of a range of high quality, accessible community facilities, including specialist services?
  • A Resilient Wales
  • A Healthier Wales
  • A More Equal Wales
  • A Wales of Cohesive Communities
  • A Wales of Vibrant Culture and Thriving Welsh Language

To enhance design quality to create natural beautiful places for people that maintain and enhance community and settlement identity.

  • Improve connectivity between communities and facilitate social interaction?
  • Promote the development of a range of high quality, accessible community facilities, including specialist services?
  • Protect and enhance community identity and distinctiveness and support opportunities for recreation and tourism?
  • Prevent the coalescence of settlements and retain the openness of land, green infrastructure and habitat connectivity?
  • A Prosperous Wales
  • A Resilient Wales
  • A Healthier Wales
  • A Wales of Cohesive Communities
  • A Wales of Vibrant Culture and Thriving Welsh Language

Health and wellbeing

To improve the health and wellbeing of residents within Vale of Glamorgan promoting healthy and sustainable places.

  • Encourage healthy lifestyles and reduce health inequalities through provision of open space, play spaces, food growing, and community spaces?
  • Facilitate good access to healthcare, social, recreational and leisure facilities for all sectors of the community?
  • Enhance multifunctional green infrastructure networks and connectivity throughout the plan area?
  • Provide and enhance the provision of community access to green spaces?
  • Improve access to open spaces, the countryside and leisure and recreation facilities?
  • Support healthy / active and inclusive environments?
  • Support the creation of cohesive, connected communities?
  • Provide formal and informal, and natural play spaces for children which are safe and easy and safe to access?
  • Reduce health inequalities across the County?
  • Support active travel and improvements to air quality?
  • A Resilient Wales
  • A Healthier Wales
  • A More Equal Wales
  • A Wales of Cohesive Communities
  • A Wales of Vibrant Culture and Thriving Welsh Language

Equality, diversity and inclusion

To reduce poverty and inequality; tackle social exclusion and promote community cohesion.

  • Reduce inequalities and deprivation across the Vale of Glamorgan, particularly in the most deprived wards and hidden areas of deprivation?
  • Improve equality of opportunities amongst those social groups most in need?
  • Contribute to a reduction in crime and social disorder and the fear of crime, promoting safer neighbourhoods?
  • Promote, strengthen, and enhance placemaking?
  • Protect and provide improved local, social, recreational and leisure facilities and access to the natural environment for all sectors of the community, and improve access to them to maximise opportunities for community development and social welfare?
  • Ensure an appropriate mix of dwelling sizes, types, and tenures to meet the needs of all sectors of the community?
  • Provide housing in sustainable locations that allow easy access to a range of local services and facilities?
  • Promote the Vale's bilingual public services and increase the development and use of the Welsh language in Vale of Glamorgan?
  • Support the ageing population to ensure they do not become socially excluded?
  • A Prosperous Wales
  • A Resilient Wales
  • A Healthier Wales
  • A More Equal Wales
  • A Wales of Cohesive Communities
  • A Wales of Vibrant Culture and Thriving Welsh Language
  • A Globally Responsible Wales

Climate change

Support the resilience of Vale of Glamorgan to the potential effects of climate change, including flooding from fluvial, coastal and surface water sources.

  • Avoid development in areas at risk of flooding, considering the likely future effects of climate change?
  • Increase resilience of the built and natural environment to the effects of climate change particularly in areas where coastal and fluvial flooding is identified?
  • Ensure that the potential risks associated with climate change are considered in new development in the plan area?
  • Protect, improve and extend green infrastructure networks in the plan area to support climate change adaptation?
  • Utilise green infrastructure to sustainably manage water run-off, reducing surface water runoff, whilst creating opportunities for habitat creation, tree planting and open spaces?
  • Minimise flood risk for key infrastructures, such as transport and power?
  • A Resilient Wales
  • A Healthier Wales
  • A More Equal Wales
  • A Wales of Cohesive Communities
  • A Globally Responsible Wales

Reduce Vale of Glamorgan's contribution to climate change from activities which result in greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to meeting the Council's target of net zero.

  • Increase the number of new developments meeting or exceeding sustainable design criteria?
  • Reduce energy consumption from non-renewable sources?
  • Generate energy from low or zero carbon sources?
  • Reduce the need to travel or the number of journeys made?
  • Promote the use of sustainable modes of transport, including walking, cycling and public transport?
  • Ensure rural development does not contribute towards further increases in high energy use and unstainable travel?
  • A Prosperous Wales
  • A Resilient Wales
  • A Healthier Wales
  • A More Equal Wales
  • A Wales of Cohesive Communities
  • A Globally Responsible Wales

Transport and movement

Increase sustainable transport use and reduce the need to travel.

  • Reduce the need to travel through sustainable patterns of land use and development?
  • Provide opportunities to improve frequency and availability of public transport services particularly for rural communities?
  • Encourage modal shift to more sustainable and active forms of travel, such as walking and cycling and use of public transport?
  • Support opportunities for modal shift as set out in the South Wales Metro Project?
  • Prioritise sustainable transport options over car use where possible, including provision of adequate cycle parking and storage options?
  • Enable transport infrastructure improvements?
  • Deliver and where necessary improve active travel networks?
  • Support the uptake of low carbon transport such as E-bikes and electric buses?
  • Contribute towards the EV charging network?
  • Facilitate working from home and remote working?
  • Provide improvements to and/ or reduce congestion on the existing highway network?
  • Contribute to green infrastructure networks?
  • A Prosperous Wales
  • A Resilient Wales
  • A Healthier Wales
  • A More Equal Wales
  • A Wales of Cohesive Communities
  • A Globally Responsible Wales

Natural resources

To identify and pursue any opportunities to reduce, or at least, minimise population exposure to air pollution.

  • Reduce the need to travel?
  • Encourage journeys to be made by sustainable means (active travel or public transport)?
  • Avoid any adverse effects on air quality and for people exposed to poor air quality?
  • Improve air quality in areas identified as of concern?
  • Promote and facilitate the use of electric vehicles?
  • Promote good design to avoid impacts on air quality and noise reduction and protects, incorporates and enhances green infrastructure networks to facilitate increased absorption and dissipation of NO2 and other pollutants?
  • A Resilient Wales
  • A Healthier Wales
  • A More Equal Wales
  • A Wales of Cohesive Communities
  • A Globally Responsible Wales

To make the best use of previously developed land and existing buildings to minimise pressure for greenfield development and protecting, where possible, higher grade agricultural land.

  • Minimise the loss of potentially high-grade agricultural land to developments?
  • Protect and minimise loss of the soil resource and encourage appropriate management to enhance its carbon sequestration and water management functions?
  • Encourage the use of previously developed land?
  • Encourage development-related remediation works which could reduce the presence of contaminated land in Vale of Glamorgan?
  • A Resilient Wales
  • A Wales of Cohesive Communities
  • A Globally Responsible Wales

To protect mineral resources and support waste management.

  • Address waste by reducing and minimising waste as a priority?
  • Manage waste in accordance with the waste hierarchy and in the context of 'Towards Zero Waste'?
  • Avoid the sterilisation of mineral resources where possible?
  • A Resilient Wales
  • A Globally Responsible Wales

To conserve, protect and enhance the water environment, water quality and water resources.

  • Reduce water consumption?
  • Ensure an adequate supply of water can be provided to sustain the development considering current and future projections of water availability and water use?
  • Reduce the potential for contamination of waterbodies and courses?
  • Reduce the potential for agricultural practices to contribute towards nitrate-based pollution of waterbodies and courses?
  • A Resilient Wales
  • A Globally Responsible Wales

Biodiversity and geodiversity

Protect and enhance biodiversity within and surrounding Vale of Glamorgan.

  • Minimise impacts on designated and important biodiversity features and provide net gains where possible?
  • Protect and enhance ecological networks, including those that cross administrative boundaries?
  • Support opportunities for green infrastructure, which have knock-on benefits for wildlife, connecting habitats and avoiding habitat fragmentation?
  • A Resilient Wales
  • A Healthier Wales
  • A More Equal Wales
  • A Globally Responsible Wales

Historic environment

Preserve and enhance Vale of Glamorgan's heritage resource, including its historic environment and archaeological assets.

  • Preserve and enhance the significance of buildings and structures of architectural and/ or historic interest, both designated and non-designated, and their setting?
  • Preserve and enhance the special interest, character and appearance of conservation areas and their settings?
  • Conserve and enhance archaeological remains, and archaeologically sensitive areas, and support the undertaking of archaeological investigations and, where appropriate, recommend mitigation strategies?
  • Support access to, interpretation and understanding of the historic and cultural environment, including the Welsh language?
  • A Prosperous Wales
  • A Resilient Wales
  • A Healthier Wales
  • A Wales of Cohesive Communities
  • A Wales of Vibrant Culture and Thriving Welsh Language
  • A Globally Responsible Wales

Promote understanding of Vale of Glamorgan's cultural heritage.

  • A Resilient Wales
  • A Healthier Wales
  • A More Equal Wales
  • A Wales of Cohesive Communities
  • A Wales of Vibrant Culture and Thriving Welsh Language
  • A Globally Responsible Wales


To protect and enhance the quality and character of Vale of Glamorgan's landscape, seascape and townscape.

  • Ensure that Vale of Glamorgan's most valuable landscapes, townscapes and seascapes are conserved and enhanced?
  • Use new and existing natural landscape features to mitigate any potential effects on nearby and distance interpretations of its landscapes?
  • Provide opportunities for linking existing fragmented woodland, introduction of new woodland, improving woodland and hedgerow management
  • Preserve and enhance the special interest, character and appearance of the Glamorgan Heritage Coast and its setting?
  • A Prosperous Wales
  • A Resilient Wales
  • A Healthier Wales
  • A More Equal Wales
  • A Wales of Cohesive Communities
  • A Wales of Vibrant Culture and Thriving Welsh Language
  • A Globally Responsible Wales



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