Integrated Sustainability Appraisal (ISA) Scoping Report

Ended on the 29 September 2022

12. Next steps

Subsequent stages for the ISA process

12.1 Scoping (the current stage) is the first stage in a five-stage ISA process:

  • Scoping.
  • Appraise reasonable alternatives, with a view to informing preparation of the Pre-Deposit plan/ Preferred Strategy, and subsequent assessment of the Pre-Deposit plan/ Preferred Strategy.
  • Prepare the ISA Report with a view to informing consultation.
  • Consultation on the ISA Report; and
  • Publish a 'statement' at the time of plan adoption in order to 'tell the story' of plan-making/ ISA (and present 'measures decided concerning monitoring').
    1. Accordingly, the next stage after scoping will therefore involve the development and assessment of reasonable alternatives. This includes Candidate Sites and strategic options for the overall level and distribution of growth.

Consultation on this Scoping Report

12.3 Public involvement through consultation is a key element of the ISA process. At this scoping stage, the SEA Regulations require consultation with statutory consultation bodies but not full consultation with the public. The statutory consultation bodies are Natural Resources Wales (NRW) and Cadw.

12.4 The scoping report public consultation will run for 5 weeks from 24th August to 29th September, 2022


Question One: Do you agree that the policy context is relevant, appropriate and up-to-date? If no, please explain how it should be changed.

Question Two: Do you have any comments on the baseline information presented, or any additional information/ data you think would add value or is missing?

Question Three: Do you agree with the key issues that have been identified based on the policy context and baseline information? If no, please explain how they could be amended or what is missing.



For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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