Draft Economic Development, Employment Land and Premises SPG

Ended on the 1 December 2022
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1. Introduction

1.1. The Local Development Plan (LDP) strategy acknowledges the important role that the development of land for employment purposes can make not only to the Vale of Glamorgan but also to the wider region. Indeed, the Cardiff Airport and Bro Tathan Enterprise Zone highlights the important role that the authority plays in the future economic prosperity of the Capital region.

1.2. Maintaining a sufficient range and choice of employment land within the authority is therefore essential to support a diverse economy and create opportunities for residents to work close to where they live. Therefore, to promote economic growth, the LDP allocates 492 hectares of employment land to meet regional and local need. This SPG offers advice about how development proposals will be considered in the Vale of Glamorgan to ensure they deliver the economic benefits envisaged whist mitigating their impacts on the environment and local communities.

1.3. In addition, it is important to protect existing employment land and premises as part of the supply because of the pressure they face for redevelopment in response to market forces and land values for alternative developments such as retail and residential uses.

1.4. The loss of employment land and premises can negatively impact on local access to jobs, thereby increasing the propensity for outward commuting. The latter is particularly important as the Vale of Glamorgan has the second highest rate in Wales based upon the Commuting Patterns derived from the Annual Population Survey[1]. In 2019, 51.29% of the Vale of Glamorgan's working population commuted outside of the Local Authority Area. It can also negatively impact on the economic competitiveness of the authority contrary to the Council's corporate aims and objectives and the overarching national policy context. Therefore, the LDP contains managing development policies which seek to protect existing and allocated employment sites and premises from unacceptable development for alternative uses.

1.5. The LDP framework seeks to contribute towards limiting the need to commute outside of the authority for employment and promotes the Vale of Glamorgan as an attractive location for new employment in the industrial, business and office sectors by providing a wide range of premises, providing development opportunities for local employment and inward investment, encourage rural diversification and rural enterprises. In addition, policies seek to protect existing and allocated employment sites and premises from unacceptable development for alternative uses. This not only helps ensure that jobs are plentiful and varied locally, but it also helps promote a strong and diverse local economy with the benefits this brings to the community in terms of increasing prosperity.

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